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库存食品销毁Inventory food destruction

单价: 66.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 61 人关注
更新: 2022-08-01
数量: 减少 增加件 库存99999件
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 根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》的规定,食品经营企业发现食品已经变质或者超过保质期的,应当立即下架,停止销售,及时销毁,不得退回供货商或者生产者,并建立销毁记录台账。 根据国家工商总局的《食品抽样检验工作制度》,抽检重点品种如果抽检依法确认不合格,将要及时下架退市,退市后的食品要销毁处理。 可销毁食品类如食用油、肉及其制品、罐头、调味品、保健食品、膨化食品、巧克力、糕点、饼干、炒货、蜜饯果脯、果冻、肉干肉脯等;饮料类如牛奶、酸奶等乳制品、碳酸饮料、汽水、果味水、酸梅汤、散装低糖饮料、矿泉饮料、麦乳精等;酒类如啤酒、白酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、药酒等。 具体按照《中华人民共和国食品安全法》和《食品标准与法规》及实施细则进行处置。

According to the provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, if a food distributor finds that the food has gone bad or exceeded its shelf life, it shall immediately remove it from the shelves, stop selling it, destroy it in time, and shall not return it to the supplier or producer, and establish a destruction record ledger. According to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the "food sampling inspection work system", if the sampling inspection key varieties are confirmed to be unqualified according to law, they will be removed from the shelves in a timely manner, and the food should be destroyed and processed after the withdrawal. Food can be destroyed, such as edible oil, meat and its products, cans, condiments, health food, puffed food, chocolate, pastry, biscuits, fried goods, preserved fruit, jelly, dried meat, etc.; Beverages such as milk, yogurt and other dairy products, carbonated drinks, soda, fruity water, sour plum soup, bulk low-sugar drinks, mineral beverages, malted milk, etc.; Wine such as beer, liquor, wine, rice wine, medicine wine, etc. Specific in accordance with the "People's Republic of China Food Safety Law" and "Food Standards and Regulations" and implementation rules for disposal.
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